Anne Magnus
Launch of ENA
We are proud to launch the 1st LLL Academy in Europe dedicated to Natura 2000 and protected areas managers. The project has been enabled thanks to a consortium and the financial support of the European Commission....
Upskilling Nature Rangers
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Copyright © European Nature Academy - 2024
Co-funded by LIFE Programme | Programme of the European Union. The project and all actions are made possible with support from the LIFE financial instrument of the European Community. This communication reflects only the author’s view. It does not represent the view of the European Commission and the EC is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
Tech Partner: Symantra
Co-funded by LIFE Programme | Programme of the European Union. The project and all actions are made possible with support from the LIFE financial instrument of the European Community. This communication reflects only the author’s view. It does not represent the view of the European Commission and the EC is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
Tech Partner: Symantra