Competence-based blended learning for Europe's
Natura 2000 and Protected Area Managers

The European Nature Academy, is an innovative tailor-made training hub designed to help Natura 2000 and Protected Area managers achieve their priorities for nature.

Strengthen your professional skills and network with you peers!

Start learning new skills 

Strengthening the role of Natura 2000's key players

Natura 2000 and Protected Area managers are integral to ensuring progress towards the ambitions of the EU 2030 Biodiversity Strategy at a local, national, and European level.
This is why we invite you to:

Discover our rich interactive library of learning resources

Take part in Online events and Workshops

Enhance your skills to contribute to the effective management of Marine and Forest ecosystems

Network and share experiences

European Nature Academy


Learn how to navigate the platform in a short video!
Write your awesome label here.

So you want to work for Nature?

Check out this interview with marine biologist Martina Hervat from Brijuni National Park in Croatia.

She shares her career development experiences and the successes she has had as a result of participating in the project.
Write your awesome label here.

European Nature Academy

European Nature Academy (ENA) is one stop shop for Natura 2000 and Protected Area managers to improve their management practices.
The ENA is a dynamic learning platform with a range of practical courses and tailor-made learning activities.

This includes courses covering core competencies required by Natura 2000 and Protected Area managers.

Also there are courses specifically designed for managers of forest and marine habitats as well as a course for managers and seeking to become trained as trainers.

ENA will boost individual, organisational and national capacities for Natura 2000 management. ENA offers a flexible body of replicable courses, which can be applied according to need by means of face-to-face blended, and Online learning possibilities.


More than 50 years experience serving Protected Areas
Capacity building programmes
across Europe

Frequently asked questions

Who can participate?

The European Nature Academy courses are open to any applicant who is actively working in nature conservation in Europe.
The courses are designed specifically to provide practical learning about a range of nature conservation policies and practices for individuals working in Natura 2000 and/ or Protected Area management.

The courses will be particularly relevant for individuals working in forest or marine protected areas.

Why should I get involved and what can I expect to gain from the courses?

The European Nature Academy courses are designed to be of practical benefit to the work of Natura 2000 and Protected Area managers in Europe. Delivered in modules, each course contains practical assignments or exercises for participants to complete.

Through the assignments and exercises, participants will be able to apply their learning to specific management issues they are experiencing - this can be to develop a solution to address a specific management problem, develop new ideas which improve existing management practices or share learning with colleagues working in their teams.

Is it possible to only participate in some of the courses? Are the courses suited for 'beginners'? 

No. The courses are designed to be followed in their entirety, the main principle being that, the more you put in, the more you are likely to gain from participation.

All participants will be required in advance to commit fully to participation. Otherwise, you may deny a place for someone else. This includes obligatory participation in the face-to-face workshops unless there would be totally unavoidable or exceptional circumstances to prevent participation.

Also, participants are expected to complete all Online modules and attend pre-scheduled group learning sessions.  
It is a requirement of participation that at least 70% of the scheduled group sessions must be attended 'live'.

Finally, all other elements of the course modules can be followed at times which suit each individual participant - this includes the opportunity to watch recorded scheduled group sessions if you would not be able to join 'live'.

Can I join the courses at any stage?

No. Each course is made up if several modules which are part of specifically designed courses. Each participant is expected to participate in each module to complete the courses.

What is the course language?

All courses will be delivered in English. Where possible, learning materials will be made available in formats which support different languages - for example, videos with subtitles.

Can I combine the courses with my work?

Yes. All the courses are arranged to enable participation whilst working. The only exception obviously relates to participation in the face-to-face workshops: this will require you to be away from work.

Who provides the content?

All content for the courses will be provided by the relevant experts working across Europe in a variety of disciplines. 

What are the fees?

Currently the European Nature Academy courses are cost free.

How will my progress be assessed?

Progress is in the main self-assessed. It will also be routinely measured on the basis of completed practical exercises and a final assignment. The European Nature Academy courses focus on what impact the learning has had and how that is applied to generate practical benefits and improve nature management in participants' Natura 2000 sites and Protected Areas.  Additionally therefore, assessments take into account the degree to which participants' learning is shared and rolled-out to build practical nature management capacity in their teams or organisations.

What do I have to do to pass?

Within the European Nature Academy, there is no 'pass' or 'fail' measures. On the contrary, the learning culture is designed to support and enable participants to develop their personal competencies and professional expertise on the basis of shared experience and practical learning and apply that to benefit their work, their organisations and their teams.

Explore our tailor-made courses now!

Don't miss this opportunity to sharpen your skills and
become better Natura 2000 and Protected Area Managers!

The project and all actions are made possible with support from LIFE financial instrument of the European Community.